While the making of soap is an ancient tradition, it has changed somewhat over the centuries both in the way it is produced and in its very nature.  The earliest records of soapmaking date back to the Babylonians.

Traditionally soap has always been used for cleaning, whether it be oneself or things such as fabrics or domestic utensils. 

It is believed the term soap gets its name from 'Mount Sapo', the supposed sacrificial site used by the Ancient Romans.  'Sapo' is the Latin term for soap and is used to describe the pomade made in ancient times by combining animal fat or 'tallow' with water, and the ashes from the fire associated with the sacrificial ceremony in which the animal was burnt.

Today however, industrialized soapmaking involves a continuous process of combining and extracting ingredients, all undertaken by machines in large factories.  This process various significantly from the batch process undertaken by artisan soapmakers who generally choose one of three methods to produce decorative soaps in much smaller batches.

While industrialized soapmaking provides a far greater yield in terms of a commercially viable and marketable product, artisan soapmakers would argue that the quality of the product being sold to the masses is far from superior in terms of benefits to one's skin. 

The video below captures the industrial process of soapmaking.  One has to wonder just how much 'goodness'  is left in a commercially produced bar of soap by the time it has been 'extruded' and 'noodled' into its final shape!

Take a look for yourself!


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